May Flower Granite

Other namesMayflower White Granite,Blanco Mera Granite,Mera White Granite,Bianco Mera Granite,Meera White Granite,May Flower Granite,White May Flower Granite
ApplicationsCountertops, mosaics, wall, floor, fountain, capping, stairs, window sills
FinishingPolished, lepatora, flamed, honed, brushed, bush-hammered, and leather
Available products:Gangsaw slabs – 260 x 160 cm up in 2 & 3 cm
Cutter slabs – 180 x 60 cm up in 2 & 3 cm
Tiles – 30×30, 30×60, 60×60 cm
Countertops and vanity tops – Custom sizes
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